rolf-assev_webWe’re happy to add Rolf Assev to the speaker list for the June 2016 World Learning Summit. For many of those who know the Norwegian and Nordic start-up scene, Rolf has been a mainstay for a very long time. Some know him as a founding figure behind the web browser Opera. In recent years, Rolf has been working to establish the Oslo Start-up Lab, where we oversees the budding eco system of education technology companies and learning companies now being formed and finding a common space in the basement of the Oslo Science Park. We are many who once came out of that building. And we are many who wishes Rolf and his friends good luck with what they are doing.

In 2014, Rolf approached some of us in the South Norway Future Learning Lab group with an idea to forge a more nation-wide and potentially Nordic arena – which we in part answer with when inviting to merge future visions in a World Learning Summit. Taken together, the Nordic bloc of EdTech companies is actually very interesting. Lots of good stuff is coming through.

Some of this will be highlighted at the June summit. Rolf will be chairing a session where select companies will present their work, with a following Q&A session.

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