Please join us for our 4th webinar this fall. November 15th at 3 – 4 PM, Oslo/Paris/Berlin time
Critical media literacy concerns our ability to navigate increasingly complex information flows. We talk of ‘polarization’, ‘fake news’, ‘misinformation’, ‘propaganda’ and much more, but how does all this relate to education as a global challenge, if not to say learning in the context of sustainable communication?
If you are interested in purusing the subject further before or after the session, please check out this book — available in a number of languages for free, here.
Alexandre Le Voci Sayad is journalist, educator and novelist. He is director of ZeitGeist organization in Brazil and international co-chairman of UNESCO MIL Alliance. He is a columnist for Revista Educação, Canal Futura website, and authored several books, including “Idade Mídia – A Comunicação Reinventada na Escola”. He is the host of the TV show “Idade Mídia”, on Canal Futura, and of the Radio show ABC da Notícia, on BandNews FM. He is a member of the advisory board of the Educamídia program, of the academic journal Comunicar (Universidad de Huelva, Spain) and a member of the board of IC4ML (International Council for Media Literacy). He holds a Master degree in Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at PUC-SP.
At ZeitGeist, Alex coordinates programs and consultancies for private and public schools, companies, governments and non-profit organisations in the whole of Brazil, focused on innovation and media literacy.
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