WLS includes a session with Aasmund Hermansen, associate professor at Oslo Metropolitan University. Aasmund will present their four/year long and university-wide project A Better Student Experience. Here is what he invites for / please join in on the discussion on October 21st, first day of the summit:
The first of January 2020 Oslo Metropolitan University launched a four-year program called “A better student experience” which will facilitate and develop measures that contribute to a significant boost in student`s well-being, learning outcomes, and academic performance. Digitization in education is a cornerstone of the program.
The student perspective will be the basis for all projects and measures that are initiated during the program period. The program is organized as four projects, with different sub-projects, addressing different aspects of the student experience at OsloMet. The main goal of project 2 “Quality in teaching and student well-being” is to ensure that students experience high-quality teaching at OsloMet and a high degree of well-being in their everyday life as students at Oslo Metropolitan University. Students must experience OsloMet as a university emphasizing innovation in teaching and varied forms of learning, especially student active learning. An important part of this is to ensure that employees at OsloMet possess the necessary competence to utilize relevant digital tools. Furthermore, a goal for the project is that students will experience OsloMet as an institution open to the sharing of pedagogical knowledge and with staff open to experimenting with new ways of teaching and learning.
Student feedback on courses being taught at the different study programs at OsloMet must be a vital part of the further development of these courses. At present course evaluations are performed in very different formats, thus an important part of project 2 is to support the introduction of a more coherent system for course evaluation at OsloMet. Organized as a sub-project, the introduction of a more coherent system for course evaluation will enable comparisons over time, investigating the possible impact of introducing new ways of teaching, as well as comparisons between different courses using different forms of teaching.
The project will also support sub-projects strengthening the foundation for students at OsloMet students experiencing a better understanding of why their studies are structured in the way they are. Students must experience that they have the necessary insight into comprehensive program plans, which elaborated how different courses build up-on one-another and in sum provides the students with the knowledge and skills they need to perform their professional roles.
Project 2 also consists of sub-projects with the aim of strengthening the student’s experiences of stable relationships in an academic context at OsloMet. These projects include mentoring of first year students` by more senior students, establishing small seminar groups providing a stable and safe learning environment, and other measures which will support increased mastery and strengthen learning outcome.