Download the PhD call for more detailed information:

38858220-learning-wallpapersIn addition to the scientific publications in the academic track, WLS / LINQ 2017 also offers a PhD project mode, in which PhD students from across the world are invited to present and discuss their ongoing PhD projects, mentored by the same high-level academic peers as in the scientific publications track. A separate double blind review applies, with a somewhat lower threshold. Accepted PhD papers have the option of being published in a four-page condensed version. Please use the same template and submission formats as for the scientific publications - located in the column to your right. 

Below is a list of suggested topics for scientific full papers and PhD projects:

• Vision, policies and needs for change in learning, education and training
• Strategies and implementations for smart universities and open education
• Innovative and sustainable quality models and methodologies for future learning
• Practical experiences and implementations of online educational technologies
• Institutional and organizational requirements and needs of smart universities
• Conceptual and quality needs and approaches for opening up education
• Competences and skills required for future learning, business and societies
• Design and development of high-quality open education, OER and MOOCs
• Open education in the perspective of globalization and development
• Smart Universities in relation to the network society
• Quality methods and tools to evaluate and improve education
• Life-long learning in a networked world
• Certification of open and online education in institutions, programs and courses
• Innovative learning design
• Societal aspects of future learning and innovation in education

Information concerning submission

For submissions, please use the template and instructions for submissions as outlined in the column. 

Call for PhD papers WLS -- LINQ 2017

Download the full call for papers here

2017 wls-linq call for papers

Download the full paper template here


Submit your papers in EasyChair, using the template