Future Learning Lab & LINQ

Our 7th Annual World Learning Summit

smart universities

Technologies are changing the face of learning, education and society. A surprisingly small number of companies own that world change. So, is the future of learning and education open? Do we foresee a sustainable future learning space available to all? Is learning and education the last digital frontier in a world of disruption and change foreseen by few -- if any? How do we respond, as citizens, learners and custodians of education? How do knowledge institutions collaborate in and with their regions? How do we find meaningful relations with the growing number of great EdTech companies and thinkers? How do we foster entrepreneurship and innovation?

Kristiansand, Norway, June 7th – June 9th 2017

How we learn

The last two decades have changed more in our technological base for learning and education than what happened in the previous two centuries.

How we read

The book will survive. We will continue to learn, to read and to seek out the insights that only encounters with key ideas can give. But what is a book -- these days?

How we change

How can we as smarter universities and societies build sustainable learning for coming generations? Perhaps the key entrepreneurial question of our time.








Join us at the University of Agder Campus in Kristiansand, Norway



Keynote speakers


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Our world class session speakers will include


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Meet our fantastic team of panel moderators

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Themes and Topics



I keep coming back to these conferences. May there be many more.
Keith Devlin
Executive Director, HStar Institute, Stanford University.
I liked especially the warm and informal atmosphere at the World Learning Summit 2016
Anjum Malik
Managing Partner Alhambra-US Chamber

Possibly your best conference in 2017 – we´ll work on it


Partners we work with


Open University
of the Netherlands