Check out the day by day workshop program.
Familiarize yourself with the workshop and book plan.
Workshop 26th AM

Setting the agenda, outlining the book plan, formulating a common framework and commencing the discussion.
Culture, creativity and civil society: New vistas on researching digital disruption, framing the challenge of AI impacting on education and learning designs.
Workshop 26th PM

Workshop 27th AM

Tansdisciplinary issues and visions: Exploring new roles, institutional change, emergent eco systems and coming challenges in higher education.
Revisiting Pedagogy: Exploring authenticity, remix, bricolage, digital curation, ways of seeing, ways of reading, ways of sensing, ways of writing.
Workshop 26th PM

Framework for a handbook • agendas, ideas, thoughts
Meeting venue: Senate Room, University of Dubrovnik
Branitelja Dubrovnika 41 –map
- 09:00 – 09:30: Daniel Nordgård & Oddgeir Tveiten
- Opening: Framing the workshop
- The book plans being discussed at the workshop
- Why AI as theme – and in what contexts?
- Opening: Framing the workshop
- 09:30 – 10:30: All participants
- Lightening round: Short self presentation
- Adding up: Common interests we see
- 10: 30: Coffee break – self service in the coffee shop one floor down
- 11:00 – 12:30: Changing ecoverse – case; music/creative arts transformed
- Daniel Nordgård, Eirik Sørbø, Ruzbeh Smiley, Ragnhild Brøvig
- Open discussion: Bullet points/items towards a book
- 13:15 – 15:00 Education at the crossroads
- Oddgeir Tveiten: Educators as curators – pedagogy, design, bricolage
- Kristoffer Holt: Experiences from Linnaeus U in Sweden
- Open discussion
- 15:00: Coffee break, pastries
- 15:15 – 16:00: Exploring Creative AI
- Summary discussions, everyone
- 09:00 – 09:30: Daniel Nordgård & Oddgeir Tveiten
- Summary so far: Framing Day 2
- Agenda discussions — focal points for the book project, moving forward
- 09:30 – 10:30: Understanding AI and its impact on media / education
- Brief intro – perspectives from Bosnia Herzegovina, by Lamija Silajdzic
- Brief intro – perspectives from Serbia, by Snjezana Milivojevic
- Open discussion
- 10:45 – 11:30: Media Literacy — cases and concerns
- Josef Rebenda, reporting on an Erasmus project
- Oddgeir Tveiten, towards a new Erasmus Virtual Exhange project — main ideas
- Open discussion
- 11:45 – 12:30: Issues of inclusion and exclusion
- New approaches to life-long learning — reporting on a case of work place inclusion, by Vidar Mortensen
- Open discussion
This session takes place in a classroom, tba
The main purpose is to summarize the previous three sessions deriving themes and potential chapters for the planned book
- 13:15 – 13:45: Education at the AI crossroads – outlines of a book
- Section themes
- Chapter ideas
- 13:45 – 14:15: Media Literacy at the AI crossroads – outlines of a book
- Section themes
- Chapter ideas
- 14:15 – 15:15: Institutional transformation and the question of AI – outlines of a book
- Section themes
- Chapter ideas
- 15:15 – 15:45: Creative Arts Education and the future of AI impacts
- Section themes
- Chapter ideas
- 15:45 16:30: Truth, Knowledge, Higher Education and AI — summing up book plans
- Section themes
- Chapter ideas
The planned workshop is very informal and open and yet there is a suggestion for a structure to follow. The main ambition is to begin outlining a planned book, which will take the shape either of a Hanjdbo0ok or a Reader. This will be discussed during the workshop.
For the workshop we will deploy a Chatham House Rules strategy, meaning all conversations stay in the room and whatever gets quoted does so anonymously. The results of the workshop is joint ownership of the participating attendees.
The workshop will be filmed and recorded, for transcription purposes.
Information about the book will be published once we have the discussion going. At the time of planning, intended editors will be Oddgeir Tveiten and Bruce Mutsvairo, with a third coming in at some stage. At the point of writing there is a positive dialog with Edward Elgar Publishing. More on this in the workshop.